The AG Project has four schools in the Leander Independent School District  that we continued to work with by assisting to create, maintain, or expand their school gardens in 2013-2014.  We have committed to assisting with a fifth LISD school in the fall of 2014 and are in preliminary talks with a couple more who are interested in establishing school sensory gardens with our  help.  We are also pleased to announce that our sixth garden will be our first garden outside of Texas; we look forward to working with Ouachita Parish High School in Monroe, LA.   Please check back soon for more information as these projects develop.


Reagan Elementary School in Leander ISD installed garden beds in the spring of 2014.  A school parent, Janine Gillot, did an amazing job heading up the gardening project at their school, offering strong organization and enthusiasm for sharing gardening skills.  We were pleased to be able to assist them in purchasing the rich soil as a good growing foundation for their school and students.  We look forward to helping them in the future to refresh and maintain their awesome gardening space.   Reagan Spring 2014


Parkside Elementary School  This school is near and dear to our hearts, as it’s the home school for our founding board members.  A sincere thank you to Sharon Heyl and Janet Lovell for allowing us to assist in placing a sensory garden for the special learners at Parkside.  Thank you to Kate Moore, Michelle Khatwani, Aubrey Maxwell, and their assistants for their interest in The AG Project and bringing gardening to your students and classrooms.  We are so excited to partner with you with a target completion date in March 2014.    The mosaic cinder block garden is looking amazing, and we were thrilled to  see it completed plants and children gardening in the spring and a deer fence installation added in June 2014.

Thank you to Natural Gardener for the donation of soil and compost, Lowe’s for their cinder block donation, the Parkside community for their garden bed mosaics, and to the Michael & Susan Dell Community Collaborative for Child Health and The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston for the mini-grant to be used toward this sensory garden.


Natural Gardener Soil at Parkside

Thank you to Natural Gardener for their donation of soil and compost.

You’ve given us a wonderful foundation for growing!

Patricia, Michele, Rajiv at Parkside

Patricia and Michele Parkside Garden

Parkside parent and AG Project friend, Rajiv.  His sharing of gardening knowledge, time, and talents for the benefit of the Parkside Garden have been immensely appreciated.


Ouachita Parish High School Thanks to a generous donation from Hailey and Webb Holley on the occasion of their marriage, we are able to provide a grant to Ouachita Parish High School in their community of Monroe, LA.

Rouse High School:   We are pleased to be a part of the gardens at Rouse High School with a grant to be funded for Fall 2014.  We are honored to assist them in funding a portion of their garden project.  According to school garden project coordinator, Debi Granado, this sensory garden will be used by “students with special needs to learn about gardening as a food source and hobby, plant growth, and maintenance of a garden.  The biology department will also be conducting experiments in the garden.”  We are excited to know that their students, including those with special needs and sensory processing disorders, will grow and learn in their gardens.